Testing of open porosity and colsed porosity of carbon material by effective density method the mechanical behaviors of closed-cell aluminum-alloy foams with spherical pores 炭素材料显气孔率和闭孔率的测试&有效密度法球形闭孔泡沫金属材料力学行为研究
At the same time, the appropriate preozonation can increase the effective density of the floc, making the floc more dense and improving its sedimentation capacity. 同时,适当的预臭氧氧化能增大絮体的有效密度,使絮体更加密实,提高沉降性能。
The effective cross-linking density(υ__e) and the molecular mass between crosslinking points ( M_c) were calculated. 理论计算了两种凝胶的有效交联密度(eυ)和网链分子量(Mc)。
Study on Computing Method of Aggregate Effective Density and Asphalt Mixture's Volume Parameter 集料有效密度及混合料合理体积参数计算方法研究
Test study on the effective relative density of aggregate 集料有效相对密度试验研究
This paper analyzes the influence of technical parameters on hardened layer and imitates the curve of effective power density distribution of tooth surface. It also raises a forecast method of hardened layer distribution. 分析了齿轮激光淬火轴向扫描工艺参数对硬化层分布的影响,对由此而引起的齿面有效功率密度分布进行了曲线拟合,并提出齿面硬化层分布的预测方法。
Measurement of Effective Density of Gap States in Amorphous Silicon by SCLC Method SCLC法测量非晶硅有效隙态密度
The formulas for calculating the effective density and the effective bulk modulus of suspensions are derived and discussed in the paper. 文中还导出了悬浮液有效压缩模量、有效密度等宏观参量的表达式并讨论了频率不太高时的近似解。
On Calculation of Effective Density 有效密度计算探讨
Moreover, post-oxidation NO anneal, especially in a wet ambient, can further decreases the interface-state density, border trap density and effective oxide-charge density, and enhance the interface reliability. 在此基础上,研究了NO退火对SiO2/SiC界面特性的影响。结果表明,NO退火进一步降低了界面态密度、边界陷阱密度和氧化层有效电荷,增强了界面可靠性。
The problems of effective density radius selection and feature space dimension selection are discussed, and the performance difference between this method and other methods including Single-pass and traditional K-means. 本文对有效密度半径和特征空间维数的选择问题进行了讨论,并比较了该方法和Single-pass法及传统的K均值法的性能差异。
The structure of three dimensional network was characterized by the modulus of elasticity, by the effective network density and by the interaction between polymer and water. 三维网络结构通过压缩弹性模量、有效交联密度及聚合物与溶剂间的相互作用参数进行了表征。
Effectiveness of gravity inversion with concept of effective density 有效密度重力反演的有效性
Effective density in loose sandy sediment and the bottom reflection loss 松散沉积物的有效密度及其声压反射损失
According to the serial tests research, the test procedure to effective density of aggregate and the test for the void in the coarse aggregate, a simple design procedure of asphalt mixture is presented. 在进行了集料有效密度测量研究和粗集料间隙率试验探索等系列试验研究的基础上,提出了一种简便的沥青混合料设计方法。
Then a theoretical relationship between ultrasonic velocity and attenuation of rock and axial stress based on an effective crack density parameters are given. 在此基础上用裂纹的体积变形建立岩石在单轴加载过程中的等效裂纹模型,用该等效模型建立了岩石在单轴加载全过程中超声波速及衰减系数随应力变化的理论关系。
The chemical bond, effective crosslinking density, glass temperature and its correlative properties were introduced and reviewed. 本文着重对环氧树脂膜的化学键、有效交联密度和玻璃化温度等结构参数与相关性能进行评述。
The inversion shows that the method of effective density leads to the depth of basin smaller than the actual's, and the width of basin is more significant than the density contrast in computation. 模型的反演计算结果表明,有效密度法得到的深度偏浅,盆地宽度的影响比密度分布的影响大。
The model can predict not only the soil water dynamic profiles and the soil water potential profiles, but the changes of the effective root density with depth and time. 该模型除能预报根系吸水的一些水分动态和水势动态外,还能预报有效根密度的时空变化。
Development of standard reference material for effective density of solid 固体真密度标准物质的研制
The equation of degeneration of photogenerated eletrons in S-W Effect has been get by method of filed theory. The degeneration constant is proportional to the square of effective density of states in deep level. 应用格林函数方法处理了S-W效应中光生载流子随时间的变化,得出光生载流子的衰退速率和深能级有效态密度的平方成正比。
It is demonstrated that the O_2+ TCE oxidation can not only increase oxidation rate, but also decrease interface-state density and effective oxide-charge density, and enhance reliabilities of SiC MOS devices. 结果表明,O2+TCE氧化不仅提高了氧化速率,而且降低了界面态密度和氧化层有效电荷密度,提高了器件可靠性。
In addition, the effective defect density calculated from the soft charge to breakdown distribution is larger than that from breakdown field distribution. 研究还表明,用软击穿电荷分布计算超薄栅介质有效缺陷密度比用永久击穿场强分布计算的要大。
The effect of the species and content of crosslinkers on swelling properties,( Young's) modulus, effective crosslinking density ( v_e) and polymer-water interaction parameter(χ) were studied, and crosslinking efficiencies of various crosslinkers were also compared. 研究了小分子交联剂的类型及用量对水凝胶溶胀性能、杨氏模量以及有效交联密度ve和聚合物-水相互作用参数χ的影响,并比较了不同交联剂的交联效率。
So the effective mass density of the liquid composite was studied. 所以,我们选择了有效质量密度来研究液体混合后的变化情况。
The concept of effective density and water content were introduced to describe the physical state of the clay matrix filling between sand particles. 引入有效粘土密度和有效含水率的概念,描述石英砂颗粒之间的粘土基质的物理状态。
Significant fluorescence enhancement in the interaction region was observed, We proposed an effective high density free electron generation method based on filament interaction that avoid filament split and modulation instability. 基于光丝相互作用导致的作用区域荧光辐射强度的急剧增强,提出了通过光丝相互作用高效产生高密度自由电子的方法,有效的避免了强聚焦中的光丝分裂及调制不稳定性。